Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Time to Celebrate

Often when we start a fitness and nutrition program, we have a set goal in mind.  And more likely than not, that goal is a new weight we'd like to be.  Maybe you've talked with your trainer, and came up with a goal that's both appealing, and frightening.  One that will is attainable, but will require commitment and work.  Great!  Off you go!

Depending on what your goal is, and the time it will take to achieve, the finish line may seem so far off in the distance.  And that's ok...you've got your trainer to help you out, maybe you've got friends/family on the journey with you, and you're ready to take it on.  'Eye on the prize', right? But you do know that the goal sitting far off at the end of the journey isn't the only victory?

When we work toward a fitness goal it is easy to start strong, but lose steam, as it is slow process.  Maybe losing 30 pounds doesn't sound so bad, but if you're losing at a pace of 2 pounds a week, then it seems like a snail's pace to the finish line, right?  It's going to take some time to get there.  As it should.  So...how do we keep ourselves from going from the mindset of 'I think I can' to 'I can't' or 'It's taking too long'?  

One thing that helps is setting smaller goals along the way.  Let's take that same scenario.  Your goal is to lose 30 lbs, and you start losing 2 lb per week.  Why wait until the end goal to celebrate.  You will keep you spirits and motivation up if you celebrate the 2 lb losses.  Maybe you don't have to celebrate every week, but certainly pat yourself on the back along the way.  And try not to quantify everything into numbers.  Yes, we can measure our weight loss by the number on the scale.  But how about those pants that now require a belt?  Or making better food choices without feeling like it's a sacrifice.  Or - and we all love this one - when someone you know asks you 'did you lose weight?'

Those are all reasons to celebrate.  Heck, sometimes I celebrate getting through one of Ty's workouts, lol.  And please know that 'celebrate' can mean whatever is appropriate for you.  Maybe buying some smaller pants, trying some new healthy recipes, or just knowing deep down that you've accomplished something.  Whatever will make you feel good about yourself - and whatever will keep you on that path to success.  

~ Bonnie

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