Friday, February 6, 2015

Stop Trying to Please Everyone

I admit it...I'm a people pleaser.  Especially when it comes to my family.  Always trying to make sure they are happy, have what they need, and are well taken care of.  Which sounds great, right?  I suppose it is, to an extent.  But when the people-pleasing gets in the way of what's best for them, maybe it's time to stop worrying about everyone's happiness.  And really, we are all ultimately responsible for our own happiness.  Yep, even the kiddos.

I struggled with this a bit when it came to fitness.  I was doing workouts, and wanted my husband and kids to exercise as well.  I mean, the kids in general are pretty active, but I wanted them to really learn how to use and build their muscles (no, I'm not talking bulging muscles....I'm talking strength).  I wanted them to like working out.  I wanted them to want to work out.  Just like me...well, that's something I tell myself, and I do like it sometimes, lol.

So I started scheduling family workouts with my Ty.  How did it go over?  No tears were shed, but a lot of grunts and groans.  I'm sure my husband swore at me under his breath. Both before, during, and after the workout.  Admittedly, we all felt better after we went.  I enjoyed working out with them more than any workout I've done on my own.  And working out with my husband pushed me a little. The little competitive part of my brain wanted to make sure I at least matched what he did, if not out-lift him.  And knowing that I was setting the example for my kids was huge.  Sure, they knew I worked out before.  But there was something about knowing they were watching.  I couldn't give up, I couldn't not go.

How do they like it now?  Well, we're fitter as a family, and their health along with my own is insanely important to me. But do they love it, you ask? Nope. They still groan.  They still roll their eyes, and yes, they still ask if they have to go.  And the answer is always yes.   There's no excitement for them, no fun in going - well, except for my daughter - she's always asking when we can go.  But for the rest of them, they aren't happy about going.  And that's ok.  It's not my job to make them happy.

~ Bonnie

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